28 February 2023: Being Latin in Arbitration

27 March 2023Being LGBTQ in Arbitration

6 de septiembre de 2023: Ya tengo un LL.M. ¿Ahora qué?

12 September 2023: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 1: Defect Claims in Construction Project

4 October 2023: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 2: Different perspectives on Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Construction Arbitration

11 October 2023: Spectrum, Satellites and 5G: Telecom Disputes and Trends

13 December 2023: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 4: The Nuts and Bolts of Delay Analysis


10 February 2022: More than Just a Footnote: Tips for Young Practitioners Publishing About Arbitration

18 February 2022:15th Annual ICDR Practice Moot: Keynote and Lectures

7 April 2022: 17th Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate

27 April 2022: The Future of International Arbitration: A Discussion with the Rising Stars

28 July 2022: Legal Research, International Awards, and Confidentiality Pursuant to the ICDR Rules – What is really out there

10 August 2022: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners 2022 - Webinar 1: Dispute Board Procedures and Practice

8 September 2022: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners 2022 - Webinar 2: Effectively Managing Your 200 Claim Construction Arbitration

30 September 2022: Being a South Asian Woman in Arbitration

13 October 2022: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 3: Multi-Party Proceedings in Construction Arbitration 

20 October 2022: Arbitration and Web3 Disputes: Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Metaverse and Smart Contracts

17 November 2022: International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 4:  Managing Crises in Construction Projects


15 January 2021: Japan/Asia update: Recent developments in international arbitration and dispute resolution 

24 March 2021Being * in Arbitration 

28 March 202116th Annual ICDR Y&I Coffee House Debate

13 April 2021Audiencias virtuales, 365 días después, ¿han legado para quedarse? 

15 April 2021ICDR Y&I in Geneva – The (Virtual) Swiss Chalet Debate! 

12 May 2021The ICDR International Arbitration and Mediation Rule Amendments

26 May 2021The ICDR’s Revised International Arbitration Rules – Inspirations, Interpretations and Insights

23 June 2021AAA/ICDR and IDR Group Joint Webinar

29 June 2021International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 1:  Front-End Project Delivery Issues

27 July 2021International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 2:  Project Counseling and Dispute Avoidance

7 September 2021¿Cómo manejar un arbitraje de construcción? La perspectiva de ICDR 

14 September 2021International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 3:  Changes/Variations

23 September 2021Lecciones prácticas sobre financiación de terceros en arbitrajes internacionales

27 October 2021The ICDR Administrative Review Council in Practice

1 November 2021The ICDR International Arbitration Rules: A European Perspective

2 November 2021International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners - Webinar 4:  Delay, Disruption, and Acceleration

11 November 2021Where to Go and What to Do When You Get There: Identifying the Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement

15 November 2021In‐House Counsel Roundtable: Discussion on Their Approach to International Oil and Gas Arbitration

10 December 2021: International Construction Arbitration: Lessons Learned from COVID’s Impact on International and Domestic Construction Arbitration  

15 December 2021: Being Asian in Arbitration  


14 April 2020: International Arbitration in the Time of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities

19 May 2020The Impact of the Great Lockdown on Construction Industry Arbitrations

27 May 2020COVID-19 and Construction: How COVID-19 Has Affected the Construction Sector in the Americas

4 June 2020: The Art of e-Advocacy: Persuasion in a World of Virtual Hearings

24 June 2020: ICDR Y&I Online Debate – Virtual Hearings and Cybersecurity in International Arbitration

9 July 2020: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 on Diversity and Recognizing Opportunities to Level the Playing Field

16 July 2020: Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Face of International Arbitration

21 July 2020: A Year of Change: Recent Developments in Europe and Why They Matter to Your Clients 

30 July 2020: Happy Hour Virtual: El futuro del arbitraje de inversión

22 September 2020: Efficiency and Innovation in Arbitration for International Construction Projects: A Comparative View Covering the US and Beyond

13 October 2020Job Opportunities in Times of Crisis

27 October 2020Informes de experto técnico y legal en arbitraje internacional: ¿quién, cuándo y cómo? 

29 October 2020Webinar Interview Series: Career Paths of Women in International Construction Arbitration

10 November 2020: Joinder of Parties and Virtual Hearings: When, Why and How?

16 November 2020: The In‐House Counsel’s Virtual Roundtable – Discussion on their Approach to an International Arbitration

1 December 2020: ICDR Americas' Conference 2020 - Day 1: Welcome Remarks & Corporate Counsel Dialogue

2 December 2020: ICDR Americas' Conference 2020 - Day 2: ICDR Rules Revisions & Discussion on Current Developments

10 December 2020: Arbitrating Emergencies in Banking and Finance Disputes – The Commercial and Investment Arbitration Perspectives 

16 December 2020: Fantastic Facts and Where to Find Them: Discovering Evidence From a Transatlantic Perspective