The AAA-ICDR® has had a footprint in Singapore since 2007, working closely with many groups to promote the use of international arbitration in Asia. The AAA-ICDR Asia Case Management Centre (Asia CMC) was created in 2019 as part of the Singapore office expansion at Maxwell Chambers. The AAA-ICDR has maintained a steady caseload of parties from China, India and Japan and the Asia CMC – along with our other offices around the world – further positions the AAA-ICDR to provide nearly round-the-world case management services. The Asia CMC provides a full suite of alternative dispute resolution case management services for parties filing to resolve disputes in Asia’s hub for international arbitration. It also has staff equipped and trained in regional languages including Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil, and more to effectively serve its parties.

The AAA-ICDR is the world’s leading provider of dispute resolution services. Unlike many other arbitral institutions, the AAA-ICDR is a not-for-profit corporation that is not affiliated with any government or corporate entity. 

Calendar of Upcoming Events

The AAA-ICDR Asia CMC office regularly conducts and supports events, conferences and educational programs with a focus on issues topical to stakeholders in the region.

29 January 2025 In-Person EventACC India: Arbitration Trends from 2024 & Efficiencies for Optimizing the ADR Process

30-31 January 2025 In-Person EventITechLaw 2025 International India Conference

5 February 2025 WebinarARBinBRIEF Season 4 Episode 8: "Corruption Claims in Commercial Arbitration"

6 February 2025 In-Person EventACC India: ADR Trends and How to Optimize the ADR Process Domestically and Internationally

7 February 2025 In-Person EventEnhancing Institutional Arbitration

14 February 2025 In-Person EventGlobal Disputes Summit - Singapore Edition

21 February 2025 In-Person EventAn Evening with Professor Bernard Hanotiau

26-28 February 2025 In-Person EventABA International Law Section 2025 Asia-Pacific Conference - "Connecting the Asia-Pacific and the World: Emerging Legal Challenges and Opportunities"

1-9 March 2025 In-Person EventCIArb Asia Pacific Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration

Library of Past Year's Events

16 February 2024 Hybrid17th Annual ICDR Practice Moot and Lecture Series

22 February 2024 In-Person EventICDR Technology, Life Sciences and IP Survey Recommendations: Exploring the Survey Results, Recommendations and Insights

2 March 2024 In-Person EventSeoul, Singapore and Beyond: ADR & Market Perspectives

5 March 2024 In-Person EventA Closer Look at Institutional Arbitration: Potential Issues & Solutions

30 April 2024 In-Person Event; RAISING THE BAR: Building a Personal Brand for Junior Lawyers

5 May 2024 In-Person Event; Opening Ceremony of 26th International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress

8 June 2024 In-Person Event; ICDR in Perspective: Sectors, Technology and AI

19 June 2024 In-Person Event; Arbitration in Times of Uncertainty

9 July 2024 In-Person Event; Navigating International Arbitration as General Counsel

28 August 2024 In-Person Event; Launch of ICDR Singapore Committee

30 August 2024 In-Person Event; Coffee, Code & Conflict: Disputes in the Digital Economy

30 August 2024 In-Person EventInnovations in Mediation: Debating the Future of Dispute Resolution

23 September 2024 In-Person EventLaunch of ICDR Greater China Committee

24 September 2024 HybridUS-China Disputes: Business as Usual?

24 September 2024 HybridBeyond Boundaries: Exploring Global Arbitration Trends

25 September 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Kickoff - "Authentic Leadership: the Future of the Legal Profession"

9 October 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 1 - "Building Your Own Arbitrator Brand"

19 October 2024 In-Person EventICDR India Conference and Launch of ICDR India Committee

23 October 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 2 - "The Power of AI in IA"

4 November 2024 WebinarAAA-ICDR Risk Management Toolkit: Key Considerations before Commencing Disputes

6 November 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 3 - "Front-Loaded Arbitration"

7 November 2024 Virtual ProgramAAA-ICDR Virtual Cross Examination Training

14 November 2024 In-Person EventSeoul Summit - "Impact of Changes in the International Situation on International Trade: Regulatory Barriers, Export Controls, and Economic Insights"

20 November 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 4 - "(In)Equality of Arms in Arbitration"

4 December 2024 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 5 - "Legal Professional Privilege in International Arbitration"

8 January 2025 WebinarARBinBRIEF: Season 4 Episode 6 - "Is Arbitration Ready to Embrace Diversity and Overcome Bias?"

13 January 2025 WebinarAAA-ICDR Risk Management Toolkit - "The Intersection of Disclosure and Financing: Asian Perspectives under ICDR Rules"

22 January 2025 WebinarARBinBRIEF Season 4 Episode 7: "Sanctions and Commercial Arbitration: Resolving Disputes Amid Geopolitical Turbulence"

23 January 2025 In-Person EventLaunch of ICDR Malaysia Committee

Case Management Services
AAA-ICDR Asia CMC in Singapore

Housed in the iconic Maxwell Chambers Suites, the Asia CMC also works to promote capacity building, facilitates collaborations and organizes various events, training programs and conferences in Asia. 

AAA-ICDR Asia Case Management Centre
28 Maxwell Road, #02-25 Maxwell Chambers Suites
Singapore 069120
Phone: +65 6979 6991